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Sign up for our free classes:

American Sign Language


    EveryDay Strong

Todos los días Fuerte

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           Computer Skills

Habilidades de Computación

  Finance Fundamentals

Fundamentos financieros



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Starting Your Own Business


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            Parent/Child Playdate

Fecha de juego entre padres e hijos

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Emotional Resilience


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     English as a

Second Language

Parenting With Love and Logic

    Crianza con amor y lógica

    Piano Lessons

Lecciones de Piano

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     Class for 3 to 5 year olds

Clase para niños de 3 a 5 años



Junior Leadership

  (Circles Utah Valley)

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Community Resource Center

At the Community Resource Center, we are dedicated to empowering our community through education and support. Our center offers a wide range of free classes and programs designed to enrich the lives of individuals and families. Whether you're interested in expanding your horizons or building essential life skills, we have something for everyone.

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If you are interested in teaching any of the classes listed, we would love to have you as part of the family!

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© 2024 MyHometown Provo Pioneer Park

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